Building a relationship

You can communicate freely with me about how people build relationships and how you like to build relationships with people with whom you’d trade or take political action.

1.1 Let me know what makes you look forward to communicating with a person!

I’ll do the same, so that we know what makes it easy to build our dialogue.

1.2 One communicates about many things. What is your network of topics?
Let me know what topics are worth your while!

I’ll do the same, so that we focus on our common topics.

Such things form the first stage of building a relationship: building rapport.

2. Then people discuss the benefits they want from their relationship. This helps them set it as their common goal to get a benefit for at least one of them.

Allan Savory wrote:

We want stable families living peaceful lives in prosperity and physical security while free to pursue our own spiritual or religious beliefs. We want adequate, nutritious food and clean water, good education and health in balanced lives with time for family, friends and community, and with leisure for cultural and other pursuits. All of this to be ensured, for many generations to come, on a foundation of regenerating soils and biologically diverse communities on Earth’s land and in her rivers, lakes and oceans.

We can also use the following words. People want:
a. water
b. food
c. good health
d. a healthy nature
e. social activities, e.g. entertainment and education
f. friends and family

My teams can help with b to e, housing, energy, telecommunication, and transportation.

3. When getting that benefit is more than a common interest, people team up to work towards that benefit.

When you buy / rent something from somebody, you team up with them to get at least one benefit. You also pay them to increase your resources.

4. They agree on what each party will do and how they’ll coordinate their actions.

This agreement can be written e.g. as an order or a contract.

5. They take those actions.

6. They enjoy the benefits of their cooperation.

Their communication can lead to a new stage 2: Let’s get another benefit for one of us!

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