How can we improve data management?

I posted this text on 11 May 2018.

I focus now on people creating data without secondary software or hardware, which people can program to create some data.
“Program” is a Greek word that means “public writing”, which is a topic of this text.


We create data in order to:
1. convey a message (communicate)
We communicate because we need to express ourselves and to build dialogues.
2. keep track (coordinate)
We coordinate with each other in order to build relationships and to manage our households.
(Service providers serve households directly (e.g. carpenters) or indirectly, e.g. a translator translates documentation for optical devices; these are sold to ophthalmologists, who serve household members.)
Work teams are groups of households that trade with loose groups of households. In principle, each human can trade with any human with a language in common; there are such limitations, which are healthy; they have invented some unhealthy limitations.

Data types

1. images
1.1 text
1.1.1 letters
1.1.2 digits
1.1.3 auxiliary characters
1.2 drawings
1.3 photographs
1.4 films
2. sounds

The number of people with Internet access, 3.9 billion, has been growing faster than the number of people, 7.6 billion. We could say that there are at least 4 billion data managers, most of them adult, and that most adults manage some data using computers; in some cases, only telephones with tiny screens. It seems that we are still producing some 260 million personal computers per year. Over 2 billion are in use. They say that only 1.7 billion personal computers are connected to the Internet. This number seems to grow considerably every year. My team contribute to this growth by helping people buy computers with large screens, so that they are not marginalized, as people who use a low-quality “smartphone” are.
I’ll focus now on those more than 2 billion data managers who use a(n almost) large screen. Some of them listen to music; some of them treat YouTube as the only source of music; Google Play Music is largely unknown. (The world’s main provider of advertisements, Google, has hardly advertised its services.) Facebook has become a household name in Romania; some people browse almost only content posted on Facebook. (Most of them use only a “smartphone”; they use Facebook for some entertainment and some communication; it is challenging to organize data or get anything done using something like Facebook’s Android app.) Although not all adults are as business-minded, most adults trade. In general, we manage resources. When we have a personal computer, it is its job to help us manage the data about these resources. Well, some data are resources themselves, at least secondary resources; for instance, people have a contact list.
My team provides software and services to help them stay in touch with people.
1. We identify each person, so that you know with whom you communicate at all times.
1.1 You can see their full name, their headshot, and the groups in which they prove they are active, e.g. their organizations.
1.1.1 If they don’t prove where they work, what can we do to prevent e.g. state employees from sensing our data, so that they can’t abuse them? You can do the policing, so that it becomes easier for any user to decide to revoke some people’s rights to their data. We can prevent every user from copying others’ data without their permission. Can we make it illegal to take screenshots?
What do we call “abuse” in this case? The fact that some state employees accuse one incorrectly of causing some disequilibrium?
(Should a law be valid only if it indicates a state of equilibrium and what we should do when someone changes that state willingly?
Is punishing a man the best deed after his causing a disequilibrium? We ask him for money or host him for some time in the worst houses. Who takes that money? What if we worked together with him to restore the equilibrium?)
Who wants to contribute to improving the education of law enforcers?
Who wants to contribute to improving any law that affects your life?

2. You can associate a user profile with any of your goals, e.g. you can label a person as an “amateur basketball player” because you’ll be playing basketball together in your spare time or as a “professional basketball player” if you’re a scout.
Old men like keeping score. George labeling Mark as a “Monopoly player” in e.g. Google Contacts doesn’t help George view Mark’s results, nor his playing schedule. We allow you to define any relationship between any data. One advantage is that you don’t need to copy data sets.
3. You can allow all users or certain users to sense or change your data, and you can enable notifications for when somebody uses such a right. (We don’t know when somebody views our Google Plus posts.)

Facebook created groups, and Google Plus offers its version, communities. Many of those places have become useless.
1. It takes a lot of time to moderate such a group.
In many cases, people spend time on what helps them. Paid moderation would be better.
Some group moderators don’t allow members to suggest that their own services are useful. They might want nobody to be paid. I prefer to communicate being aware of each party’s potential benefits.
Google Plus and any service like it are useless if they don’t enable people to benefit each other e.g. by trading. I don’t condone senseless posting, nor fruitless commenting. I’ve created some collections so that you can discuss with me what benefits you want e.g. from computing. A collection is for moments in which we enjoy some playfulness. Another collection allows us to schedule Hangouts On Air and discuss what things we find important. I post in order to enable exchanges. In my humor collection I attempt psychological exchanges, in my Hangouts On Air collection I enable exchanges of words, and in other collections we discuss exchanges of services.
2.1 When one enables notifications for posts in a Google Plus community, one is notified too often.
2.2 When one doesn’t enable these notifications, one can forget about some communities.
What general thoughts about group communication would help us organize it better over the Internet?
1. Ask for information in order to understand one’s environment better.
2. Ask for services in order to live better.
2.1 You can ask my supplier management teams to find that service.
2.2 You can ask my user support team to configure our data management program so that it becomes more probable to find that service.
2.3 Our software lets one:
2.3.1 search a global database for suppliers e.g. by language, service, area, rating, and engagement;
2.3.2 post a service request and be notified of offers posted about the requested service.

We use labels, so one doesn’t need to be a group member in order to discuss a need. One can post with a label one likes, and we’ll notify the subscribers to that label, solving issue 2.2.
When one needs to communicate with e.g. 4 people for e.g. 3 months, they can use a unique label (combination). Should they want to let others sense some of these common data, they can grant them this right. Labels and rights can be combined, but are different things and should remain independent of each other.
Each user can do with their data as they please.
User 1 can do with the data of user 2 what user 2 allows them.

In group communication, this has e.g. this consequence: One can delete only one’s contribution. Should user 1 want to stop communicating with user 2 about a certain topic, they can; but no user can exclude another from any group communication.
While other software developers design software as they think fit and hardly negotiate design improvements with their users, you are reading here suggestions. You can design this data management program together with us; we’ll keep as many of the features of old software as you please, while helping you combine old and novel features so that computing becomes more effective and enjoyable.

When at least 2 people are typing in order to create one piece of content, how should the software help them?
Let’s say that 2 people agree to co-author that piece! Co-authors can vote to add a co-author, as well as to remove a co-author. We notify the authors you vote in or out.
Co-authors can vote to keep a data set e.g. in an article, to move it, and on improving a data set.
We indicate the owner of each data set and help you communicate with them.
Your data can be reused under the terms you negotiate with that user, and you can ask us to let you know when and where they are used.
What other things do you want us to do in order to help you manage content together with your co-authors?

I’m writing this with the intention of building a global dialogue, so that we agree on fundamental standards and principles of data management, and any adult human can start using the optimal data management software.

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