Message statuses

We can discuss conversation statuses, too.

I start from a conversation between two people. Conversations build dialogues. (I call the entire communication between 2+ people a “dialogue”.)

1. Each participant in a dialogue can leave a message at any time. The messages of the conversation partners can form a net of conversations. It were useful to display nets by mimicking a third dimension.

It will always be important to have talks, but we can also leave recorded messages. We should be able to switch easily from a talk to leaving a sound message to leaving a written message. (When we chat using Element, Rocket, or ClickUp, we can leave sound messages.)

2. We create messages by filling a rectangular field. Each input field should store all input immediately. Then the user decides whether they change their message, delete it, or post it.

3. Each person grants to whomever they want any right to any of their messages.
One can allow one’s conversation partner to sense their message or to compose it together with them.
One can also allow one’s conversation partner only to sense one’s message while one is composing it.

4.1 One can notify one’s conversation partner of such things:

a. I’m going to address you a message (at this time).

b. I’ve started composing a message to you.

c. I’m addressing this message to you.

4.2 One can subscribe to notifications about messages from a certain person.

In many cases, people can start 2-participant conversations.

In some cases, person 1 addresses a message to person 2, but the communication program reacts in no way. The program can indicate that person 2 is ignoring the words of person 1, or person 1. One uses psychological energy when one addresses oneself to another human. It’s difficult to avoid related emotions, and these can lead to assumptions. When person 1 knows e.g. how person 2 is and how they feel about the message of person 1, both persons can help the conversation and themselves.
Some of my messages have been ignored. I am slow to respond to some people because I’m participating in rather many conversations. It’s useful to spend time in a conversation often, to estimate quite quickly its benefits and costs, and to plan interactions among its participants. One can manage linked databases about e.g. conversations, information, exchanges, in order to increase the quality of one’s relationships.

When person 1 unsubscribes from notifications from person 2, this can mean that person 2 doesn’t know that their messages aren’t going to reach person 1 for a while or ever again. This can have a negative influence on one’s psyche. We are used to natural communication. When person 1 addresses some words to person 2, it can become quickly quite clear how much attention person 2 is paying to the words of person 1. The two persons can adapt gradually to each other to the extent that they want to build that conversation. Even if there are issues and at least one person is displeased, these two people are better off than in the case described above. It’s useful to express what one doesn’t like and one what likes. We can focus more on what benefits we want. Any conversation partner can point out to what extent they would provide a certain benefit. We can choose to communicate with anyone at any time. These choices are not easy to make when one can use computers to communicate with millions of people. I have not communicated with millions of people, but I already must choose more carefully how I spend my energy.

5. Every message will have its place in a conversation and in a net of messages.
In order to establish this place, one can link one’s message to any message to which it replies and to any message to which it is related otherwise. One can point out in what relation(s) a message stands to another by choosing a relation that has been created or by creating a relation. The program can help with this by considering the message content and labels.

6. One can be notified of new messages e.g. by a computer with a 16-centimetre screen or by one with a 68-centimetre screen. Even when working outdoors in agriculture, fishing, forestry, energy management, or transportation, one could connect a computer with a 45-centimetre screen to the Internet and use it in a vehicle. The larger the screen, the more we can achieve, e.g. the better we can manage our telecommunication.

7. What do we need for communicating over the Internet?

We need e.g. to be rested, fed, and comfortable.

We need to take actions that help us increase the probability that our interactions with the computer and with other people through our computer will go smoothly. There is a lot to discuss. I’ll just mention several things.

When we use a desktop computer, the supply of electrical energy and the Internet connection have their highest reliability.

When we use a computer in a building, we pay less attention to what is happening outdoors.

When we use a computer in a (home) office, we can focus better than in other rooms.

8. Sometimes a person will not understand well words written to them.

A cause is the writing itself. People understand each other better when they talk.

Another cause is that a computer program will draw too much attention. I might read a message too soon and then treat it rather poorly. It’s useful to manage one’s conversations considering e.g.: About what do I want to converse? When? With whom? What benefits do they expect from discussing this topic? Let’s build a timeline!

9. A communication program must help us build conversations in a balanced manner, so that our communication is as effective as possible. For this, it can allow us to set message statuses, e.g.:

a. I have sensed it. It has taken me _ minutes.

b. I have paid attention _%.

b. I have understood _% of it.

c. I feel this about this thing.

d. I have scheduled time for replying on the day of _.

It’s very important to express oneself, to express one’s feelings. The more we do this, the better we can live together on this planet.

It’s very useful to share one’s thoughts freely, in order to encourage one’s conversation partner to think together with them. The more we think together with others, the more valuable the solutions become and the lower the cost at which they come.

In Podio, if a message is not a chat message or a comment (on a status, an item, or a task), but an item (field), we could use a tag, a category, or another item to indicate a message status. I suggest creating a table for message statuses and redesigning Podio to help us do more.

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