Hosting with Sol
Many people have experience hosting, lately e.g. through Airbnb.
You can order with us a benefit-cost analysis that shows which provider offers the best benefit-cost ratio for you. If the analysis shows that Sol Real Estate (SRE) can be your most helpful provider and you switch to SRE, you needn’t pay for this analysis.
1. Our services
1.1 We want to include housekeeping for every housing unit. You can provide this service yourself or ask us to provide housekeepers.
This is one of our property management services. You can ask us for other maintenance services, too.
2.1 Your benefits
What benefits do you want from hosting people?
A possible general comparison:
a. We try to communicate better than other providers.
It’s still not easy to find providers who actually discuss their services publicly. Feel free to discuss ours here!
b. We try to manage data better than other providers.
We’ve seen many expensive, messy methods and means to manage data. We try to use the most helpful. You’ll feel it more and more as you use Sol services.
We manage large amounts of data about real estate. We can help you to rent, sell, buy, or maintain real estate.
c. In order to keep guests’ trust, instead of just managing data, we want to build good relationships with stakeholders.
Let’s think together in order to prevent the bad experiences about which people have written for years, and to react more usefully to incidents and disagreements! People find a better way when each party has a say.
2.2 Costs
We keep 14% of your pay. We pay hosts using Sol Financial Services.
You have the alternative to subscribe for id, our program that lets people trade directly.
One way to keep your costs under control is to get insured by Sol Financial Services.
To the extent that you need legal services related to your interactions with a guest, you can ask Sol Legal Services or a government office to provide them.