1. You can ask us to help you to communicate with the users of your services in any languages.
1.1 You can rely on comprehensive language services to bring the quality of international communication to the highest quality you want.
1.2 When you want to start communicating in a new language, you can ask us to make available personnel that help you build relationships with the speakers of that language. You can outsource this to us, without having to travel, start a new company etc.
2. You can ask us to help you to manage any data.
2.1 We can adjust your software environment so that it serves you better.
2.2 You can ask us to sell your products in online stores in any languages.
2.3 We can make your business processes benefit you more.
3. We can help you manage your relationships with some providers.
3.1 You can have us check which providers can improve your benefit-cost ratio from using a certain service.
We include here personnel management services.
3.2 We can deliver to you goods from your providers.
4. You can ask us to deliver your products to almost any place.
5. You can ask us to help manage your money.
We can help you choose the most helpful providers of financial services.
We can let the users of your products pay in instalments. You can ask us to pay you up to 100% of the price sooner than the user pays.
When should one pay for a product?
To the possible extent, we should consider that a product is a service provided until the end of the product life cycle, which should be at the latest end of a material cycle.
In many cases we pay after the provider fulfills our order by providing a service or delivering a product. We actually pay after a product is packed and stored. In many cases it’s already closer to us than to the factory. The manufacturer credits us and we credit the last carrier. (I don’t do miles.)
Another consideration is that a service is really wanted when people pay upfront for it. We can help people agree on terms like these: the product user pays on day 1 and they receive the product on day 30. (Well, it can take 60 days.) We make telecommunication easy, so that you can conclude agreements and take orders. We can make it less costly for you to transfer data from received orders to orders to your providers. They could take your order on day 1. Before we discuss in detail what products you want to receive and in how many days you can receive the products you prefer, let’s say that you receive all you need by day 8! While many products can be manufactured faster, let’s say that the product is ready to leave on day 15! Global shipping can take around 45 days. A product for which everything and everybody is ready can be delivered in up to 2 months. (If its design, infrastructure, personnel etc. are not complete, it can take many more months.)
Sometimes people would like to pay for a product a percentage of their income or profit. Because people focus on the value of services, it seems more useful to agree on a percentage of their profit. For this, they would have to agree with you at least on some of their expenses. This can mean that you would pay at least some of your (employees and other) providers gradually, as you receive money from the product users, and that all these people would be more aware of the value of their work. We can help you offer products for monthly subscriptions, which has to do with what Colette Aubertin described here.
6. We can insure your goods and help you provide product warranties.
7. You can use the Sol Office, Store & Shop units to communicate offline with service users and providers, to store goods, and to maintain products.
7.1 related to 1.2
The office includes at least one room, one computer network connected to the Internet, and an officer. They can act on your behalf, e.g. scheduling appointments with people with whom you want to deal and discussing at their desk any matter you want.
7.2 related to 3.2 and 4
You, your customers, and your providers can send or bring to our storage rooms any products of yours and of your providers, and have us store them until you ask us to send them to you, a customer of yours, or a provider of yours.
7.3 related to 6
You, your customers, and your providers can send or bring to our workshops any products of yours and of your providers, and have us perform any maintenance and repairs on which you agree, and send the products to you, a customer of yours, or a provider of yours.
8. We can help you to recycle products.
9. You can ask us for a more helpful accounting service.
10. You can ask us for legal services that benefit you more.
11. You can ask us for energy from renewable sources.
12. You can ask us for real estate.
Of course we’ll discuss this starting from what benefits you want, so that we agree on how you can enjoy them to the highest degree and at the lowest costs.