
We can use this program with the help of a Web browser or an operating system.

It allows people to communicate:

1. in groups of 2

In these groups it shows to which larger Telegram groups both people belong.

Either participant can:

a. reply to one’s own messages and to the other person’s messages.

b. edit one’s messages.

c. pin any message.

d. leave sound messages.

e. search messages by their date.

f. copy messages to larger groups and to channels.

g. delete all messages.

People can encrypt conversations and unscheduled end-to-end encrypted (video) talks.

2. in groups of 2 to 200,000

Administrators can:

a. choose whether anyone can find their group or they share an invitation link.

b. choose whether members can copy messages to other groups or to channels.

c. prevent other members from creating messages.

d. allow other members to add members.

e. pin messages.

f. prevent other members from sensing messages posted before they joined.

Telegram chats and group chats are private amongst their participants. The Telegram team does not process any requests related to them.

Each member can:

a. delete their own messages.

b. search messages by their date.

A group links to the profiles of its members.

3. in publicly available channels

It seems that the Telegram team doesn’t limit a channel’s audience.

Administrators can:

a. prevent subscribers from responding.

b. choose whether anyone can find their channel or they share an invitation link.

c. choose whether members can copy messages to other channels or to groups.

Each subscriber can:

a. react to messages.

It seems that a channel doesn’t link to the profiles of its members.

It seems that groups are the most helpful means of communication in Telegram.

I’d like Telegram to:

a. work in many tabs simultaneously.

It seems that one cannot pay for Telegram yet.

These 2 requirements are met by the programs mention below.

In order to organise one’s communication better, one needs software like Medium and Reddit. When one wants to thread encrypted group conversations, one can use Element.

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